By Submitting this Form to us, you hereby agree that Ekuiti Nasional Berhad ("Ekuinas") may collect, obtain, store and process your personal data that you provide in this form for Ekuinas' ILTIZAM Catalyst programme

You hereby give your consent to Ekuinas to:

  1. Store and process your personal data
  2. Disclose your Personal Data to the relevant governmental authorities or third parties where required by law or for legal purposes.

In addition, your personal data may be transferred to any company within Ekuinas which may involve sending your data to a location inside Malaysia.

For the avoidance of doubt, Personal Data includes all data defined within the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 including all data you had disclosed to Ekuinas in this Form.

Ekuinas may review and change this Policy from time to time to reflect changes in the law, our business practices, processes or structure. While it is not generally feasible to notify you of the changes to this Policy, the latest version of this Policy will be available on our website. This Policy is not a contract, nor does it suggest any obligation on our part with another party. Ekuinas is committed to protecting your personal data. If you have questions or comments about our administration of personal data or if you wish to request access to your personal data, please contact us at 03-7710 7171.
